“Can I use this?” Copyright & Fair Use in Libraries

March 11, 2025

Have you ever wondered what pictures you’re allowed to post or use in a display? Maybe you aren’t sure if a customer can copy that much of a book? Or if you’re allowed to use a particular image in a public presentation? This session is designed to help you become more comfortable with these practical questions and determine what you and your customers can and can’t do with copyrighted material.

Supporting Successful Reentry: The Role of Libraries in Reentry Services and Programs

March 20, 2025

Description: This webinar will provide an insightful exploration into the role libraries can play in supporting individuals reentering society after incarceration. We will focus on the necessity of reentry services and programs, the steps required to implement them, and an overview of local reentry statistics in Maryland, including specific data from counties. Participants will learn how libraries can become pivotal community resources in reducing recidivism and aiding successful reentry.

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Readers’ Advisories for LGBTQ+ Materials and LGBTQ+ Readers - Rescheduled

March 28, 2025

Providing quality resources to LGBTQ+ patrons and those interested in LGBTQ+ subjects is as important as ever, and addresses the needs of community members in every corner of the state. In this webinar, participants will learn of current titles, identify resources that can be used to learn of new titles, and be aware of some important themes in LGBTQ+ fiction and nonfiction. This event is co-sponsored by Southern Maryland Regional Library Association (SMRLA).

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